Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blogs in the Classroom

What instructional strategies would fit well with using blogs in the classroom?

I think there are many strategies that would fit with using blogs in the classroom, but the two that come to mind are constructivist approach and inquiry. Using blogs, students can take responsibility for their own learning and report back on their blogs. Concepts not covered in class, or other aspects of a concept can be investigated by students using a blog.

What instructional strategies would not fit well with using blogs in the classroom?

The didactic approach would be a challenge using blogs, because it would be difficult to lecture and give examples using a blog.

How could you see Blogs being used in your classroom with your subject matter?

Blogs could be used for students to investigate other aspects of math that are not covered in class or real-life applications of concepts being covered in class. Students can investigate these areas on their own and report their findings in a blog. Students could also post reflections to class assignments, telling what they learned and how it can be related to real-life. Blogs could be used as a place to get help with homework. Students could post questions and other students or the teacher could respond with answers to the questions. The use of blogs could encourage students to ask questions because they do not have to do it face to face with peers and their teacher.


  1. I really like your idea of having students post their real-world experiences on a blog. There is nothing better than when a students comes up to me in the class room and says, "Hey, Ms. Roy guess what I did/saw...and I knew how to do it because of learning it in class." I often thought of having a bulletin board specifically for this in my class, but didn't have the space in my last class when I taught 7th math. It is an excellet way for students to earn extra credit points that they are always begging for, right? I do not provide extra credit work, but this I may consider if I utilized a blog in class.

  2. I am very impressed with all the applications you are finding for technology in math. I'm not sure if I could be so creative with this subject! Maybe I could if it were the subject I taught and loved like I do science! Great ideas for blogs!
