Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Michigan Online Experience Guidelines

The Michigan Merit Curriculum Online Experience Guideline Document was very beneficial, and is a resource I will definitely use. I really like all the website resources that were provided under each online experience. I am excited to look into each of them further and see how I can apply them to my math classes.

Throughout this course, I have been using and thinking about blogs more than I ever have prior to taking this course. I am really excited to begin implementing this technological resource in my classroom and have been brainstorming ways to use it effectively. Blogs are a great way for students to interact with me (the instructor) and their peers to ask questions and explain concepts in math. I could use a blog as a means for students to communicate questions on homework when we are outside of the classroom. Students can also take a lead and respond to their peers' questions, by answering and explaining questions that are posted.

Blogs can also be used as a means of sharing ideas. Students can do research on various math concepts or aspects of a concept (depending on what we are discussing in class) and share what they discovered by posting to their blogs. There is only a limited amount of time in class to discuss concepts and this allows students to take responsibility for their own learning and look at a different perspective. This type of assignment would use a constructivist approach because students would be responsible for their own learning and the teacher would be a guide if students needed assistance.

I think that Learning Management Systems (such as Blackboard), RSS feeds, and online field trips would be difficult to use with my students. There are only two computer labs available at the school where I teach, so using a Learning Management System or RSS feed would be challenging. Students would have to access it from home, which would cause a problem because not all of my students have internet access at home. Online field trips would be difficult in a math classroom, because there are not a lot of resources available for math virtual field trips that I am aware of. This is something that I would like to do more research on to see if it is feasible.

I have found many wonderful resources in the Michigan Online Experience Guideline Document and look forward to exploring all of the electronic resources available.


  1. Amanda, way to think outside the box! I never would have associated Blogs with a math class--but you make some valid points and you have come up with great ways for students to effectively use a Blog with your class. It's a great idea to use a Blog as a Q & A platform for students to help each other and for sharing ideas. I hope this online learning experience proves to be beneficial for you and your students.

  2. OMG Amanda!!! I had to laugh as I was reading your post...I just posted mine and they are practically carbon copy because we both went with math in mind. Actually, I think RSS feeds would work well in math, at least for some real-world connections. I have some feeds that are math related and we always want out math students to know "when they will use this stuff."

  3. I think your idea about using a blog for students to ask math questions on homework is a great idea. I think a discussion board or wiki would work well too - whatever you're most comfortable with. Your idea takes me back to undergrad chem courses - which had A LOT of math in them. I was constantly going to online help areas: chat rooms, disccussions boards, etc. to get help. I think this is a wonderful way to think about integrating technology and math!
