Saturday, February 12, 2011

PART B: Application of TPACK

1. What is the TP knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how does the technology you have chosen support the teaching strategies and methods you have chosen?)

The teaching strategy that I have chosen to employ involves circulating around the room while instructing. This strategy helps manage my classroom discipline, increase student engagement, and enhance the interaction between the students and me. When working through notes in my math classes it is nearly impossible to circulate because I have to write on the Elmo (document camera) so that students can copy down the math examples and notes. With the use of the Mobi (Mobile Interactive Whiteboard), I can circulate and take notes at the same time. With the use of technology, using this teaching strategy is possible while taking notes with my students.

What is the TC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically does this technology make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible? Be sure to think about representation.)

By using the Mobi, student engagement increases by allowing them to participate from their seats. This use of technology allows a greater comprehension of the content. Technology allows me, the teacher, to engage more students by increasing my mobility. This gives me access to my students and allows me to the opportunity to recognize their misunderstandings and challenges. Some students that may not be comfortable raising their hands could whisper to me as I am circulating around the room. With the use of this technology, I can also save lessons, allowing students to go back if they have additional questions. In math, being able to go back and review the lessons can be helpful in the learning process.

What is the PC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically do your pedagogical choices make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible? Be sure to think about how the student will experience the content given these instructional strategies.

Students will experience content differently by using these instructional strategies because I can identify mistakes that students are making throughout the lesson due to increased mobility. This is an improvement from relying on students to provide feedback when I am stationed at the front of the classroom. I can identify instructional problems sooner rather than later and adapt the lesson if needed. Also, when students are engaged and actively participating in a lesson they are more likely to comprehend the material. With the use of proximity during a lesson, there are fewer disruptions in class and therefore learning is not interrupted.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you have effectively considered TPACK in your plan. It truly seems to create a student-centered classroom where technology facilitates learning and your ability to be a better teacher. Increased mobility is great and anything that increases student engagement automatically decreases distractions, hence classroom management concerns.
    Its impressive that your plan allows students to have more access to you openly, or as you mentioned, privately in case a student is hesitant for any reason.
    Part of my/our project also stresses how important it is for students to be able to "go back". Sometimes students think they get it or forget and its cool that this would allow them to go back and reteach themselves or enrich their learning with a quick review. This is also beneficial for absences.
    Finally, with use of the Mobi, that instant feedback for students as well as you for self-evaluation is priceless!
    I think your project is interesting. I'm excited to see where it goes.
    P.S. Your pic at the bottom with CC is super cute!
